Erin's Expo Print
Saturday, 06 March 2010 15:16

Today 1A got back from their second expo. It was a big journey. We hiked to canoes on the first day then canoed to our camp site. I canoed with Tom. We camped with cows in a paddock. On the second day we canoed all day, I canoed with Mr. Quin (I got to sit back and relax most of it haha jokes). That was a hard journey that day because everyone was sore from paddling all day and a few of us were burnt. We played with the vortex a lot, whistled in the canoes; it was a lot of fun. When we finally got to the angling club it was a relief, but that was not the end of our second day. We canoed across from the angling club to the small island in the middle and that’s where we set up camp.

That afternoon was very rewarding for everyone, we played a game called fox holes it was so fun. You have to make trenches in the sand on the beach, you get about 15 minutes to make as many as you can. Then a person stands at the end with maybe a drink bottle between their legs  then they face away from the trenches and in that time you have to get as close as possible before the person turns around and sees you or you have to go back to the start. It was a great reward. On the third day we had to canoe for the first half then we had to hike again but this time along a beach (so hard!). We got to see a baby seal, it was cute! Then nearer the end we had to walk up a MASSIVE sand dune! It was so hard to do but we all made it. I know I lost confidence a lot but my team helped me along. They are some of the best people you will ever meet. When we saw the campus across the oval everyone was so relieved and high fiving! We all just wanted to have a shower and to use a normal toilet and a rest. It was the bestest shower of my life even if it was only 3 minutes! You learn to appreciate things you normally wouldn’t. You get closer to your friends and even your teachers; we talked about everything with each other it was an amazing experience and I would do it again (minus the sand hehe).
-Erin- ‘Fozzy’- Maffra