
An Evening Movie - Beyond Sorry Print
Jamie-LeeFor evening class we watched a movie called Beyond Sorry which was based on a true story.

I’m Jamie-lee I have an indigenous background. I watched “Beyond Sorry” and it made me feel sorry for them because they got taken away from their family and they never got to learn about their aboriginal ways and it makes me feel that I want to learn about my indigenous culture. I want to learn more about my family and who they were and where they came from.

The movie was about a lady (I forgot her name). She got taken away from her family and she went back to find out who her mother was. Her mother rejected her but the more they knew each other they got along. After a while she decided to move back to where her aunty said her grandfathers’ land is and also said where he would yell off the mountain. She and her husband moved there and her husband left everything behind just so that they could live out in the desert.

By Jamie-Lee.