
Week One Print

That, unfortunately was not me. We had a great time on Saturday when guest speaker Darren McCubbin, who was mayor of Wellington shire and now runs a theatre company called Murder, came and talked to us about Beliefs and Values, then we all went slightly crazy while having a go at Theatre Sports, which is a series of improvisation/acting games. All of us have finished the first category for our passports as well which a are document of ourselves and also about our time here at Snowy. Sunday was a rest day and we all hung around and relaxed except some who went to catch some fish, they caught nothing. Another interesting thing we did was Thinking and Learning which is a lot of information about our brain, our learning preferences, thinking styles and our brain colour quadrants which is basically a summary of how we think. I was Yellow, which is creative and often slightly reckless. There was also Blue which means you are very analytical and mathematical, Red meant you were a very emotional person and feelings mean a lot to you and lastly was Green which means you are often organized, punctual and are interested in self-preservation.

So all in all we have had a great first week and I can’t wait for the rest.
See ya guys
Riana, Beechworth