
3rd Rest Day - Report by Nadine and Jake Print

So on our 3rd rest day a group of 22 students went to the beach and they all came back with big smiles and lots of stories about how fun swimming in the ocean was and how they were body surfing, walking along the sand looking for shells and splashing around in the shallower water. The rest of the students stayed at the campus and explored the surroundings, painted pictures and some of us and even caught up on some sleep! It was good to see everybody getting outside enjoying themselves and having fun. At about 2:00 a community game was held and we all played a massive game of gang-up chasey which lasted for a while keeping everyone entertained and giving us something to do. After the game finished there was a bit of free time before we all had to get ready for a walk to Spirit spot for DEARR. This was our second time there it’s quite relaxing, but the walk had a lot of us complaining especially walking up sand dunes. At night we watched a movie and settled down ready for bed.  The movie was The Incredibles, as soon as the movie finished everyone helped chip in to pack up the seats. This was the end of our day and everybody went to bed.

- Nadine and Jake (17/05/2014)