
Blake's Day Print

Today’s classes included first aid, yoga and a kick of the footy!

So firstly we had first aid. It is to finish off what we haven’t been through to get our first aid cert 1. It’s good to have that knowledge and if we ever get in that scenario we know what to do. We also had a class called yoga which I like heaps. It helps to calm us down and to refocus. There is stretching, hard positions to do and lots more and I thought it was a pretty good class to finish off on a Friday.

On Fridays we have community sports. My community sport that I chose is to have a kick of the footy, socialize and just have a good time. Today it was good we played markers up and socialized with the group 1B that just came back from expo today so I found it pretty fun!
It’s a really fun way to finish a Friday and it was much enjoyable.

Blake- Brauer SC