
Eksath and Sarah's Inside Time Print

It was a great day today. Sure we were inside heaps but the weather wasn’t too great outside. My partner Sarah and I were student leaders today which I must admit was pretty fun. I love putting my hand up and having everybody else put theirs up and listen to you.

I had Thinking and Learning 3 in the morning. This is pretty much just about how we think and learn and the different ways. In the 3rd one of the series we learnt about how we learn and the different ways that we enjoy learning. It was completely mind-blowing and I learnt so much.

I found out I was an excellent drawer (I’m just kidding, but I do draw great stick figures) and that I use most of my brain except I don’t use the bottom left side which is about safety and planning.

We also talked about memory and how we use different techniques to revise.

Some people made stories which were really funny, some people even made songs. It was great to see left-brain people drawing exceptionally well and focusing on the lines not the bigger picture. It was a very educational and informative day which Sarah and I enjoyed very much.

Eksath and Sarah