
My Time Here at Snowy - Jordyn Print
Written by Jordyn, Snowy River Campus Term 3 2013   

My Time Here at SnowyOn the 21st of July. We all left our families, and begun a new life with this new family. It was scary and a little bit challenging during the first couple of weeks. Still getting to know everyone and being a bit home sick. But that wasn’t really the case; everyone included each other in all activities and gained really good ‘friendships’ with others. At the start I was really unconfident and wasn’t really positive. But as the days and weeks went on, I gained more skills. I have become more confident, a bit more organised, most of the time I am positive and half of the reason why this has happened is because I have an amazing, caring, supportive, beautiful group of people in the community that supported me and helped me get this far. Always challenging myself to do better and improving on things that I may not have been the best at, at the start. Going from a shy and scared person and stuck in my little shell. To always being out there, talking to everyone and making the most of my time here at Snowy River.

It will be challenging to go back and not have everyone around you, but you have to move on some day right?... Having a great night at the formal, and making memories and friends that will last forever. I have gained so much coming to SSL, and I can’t thank the staff at SRC, the students (my brothers and sisters) for making this experience a great one, I am going to go home having learnt a lot and not think I wasted my time here. But lastly I can’t thank my parents and family enough for sending me here to Snowy and hopefully when I go back they will see the change and the improvements that have happened to me. This is a great once in a life time opportunity, so make the most of it whilst it lasts.

By Jordyn - Sunbury Downs College