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Return from Expo

Yesterday Danigan and I were Student Leaders for the day.

The day started off with Peer skills and then Passports with Mr Gladstone. All of 1A were very tired as they had come back from Expo the day earlier but worked productively. Peer skills was an interesting class and 1A learnt some new skills on how we can deal with conflict. We then had passports in the afternoon and evening. This gave the team plenty of time to catch up on work. As for Danigan and I instead of doing passports in the evening we ran Core 2’s class ‘7 Pillars’. It was a fun class to lead and we both learnt some interesting facts from it. We both got to work on our ILP( individual goals). Danigan worked productively and I got to work on my confidence.

Danigan, Brentwood SC and Taylah, Mansfield SC