
Mad Hatter's Tea Party Print

Term 3 - Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Yesterday the cooking committee organized and ran a fabulous full day mad hatters tea party! We got everybody dressed up in bright, colourful clothes and hats, the food was a hit and everyone enjoyed it. We had cookies and watermelon for afternoon tea, nachos for lunch, rocky road and fairy bread (in the shape of hats!) for afternoon tea and for dinner we had sausage rolls. The committee also decorated the common room to make it look fantastical, to make it really mad there was a vegetable bake covered in cornflakes with dinner - instant success.

There was a group of students who went op-shopping in their lovely outfits and then a group who went surfing in the afternoon. And those who stayed back in the afternoon watched Shrek or took advantage of the wonderful weather and frolicked outside in the sun!

(We hope) Everybody had a marvelous time at our phantasmagorical all day mad hatters tea party.    

By Callum- Irymple SC and Sarah G- Williamstown