
Marlo Challenge by Oisin Print

Yesterday we did the Marlo Challenge which was really fun. We got to run around Marlo and take photos of stuff that has already been taken and we got points on how difficult the object was to find and if it a was good shot.

We came back for lunch and then it went to the afternoon class which was passports so we got to sit in our rooms and go on our laptops. Over all, the day went really well and most of us had lots of fun. For tea we got to choose who people got to sit with because some people always sit with the same people over and over again. I think the night went really well and I enjoyed it.

Later for evening class we watched a movie called the ‘Rabbit-Proof Fence’ it was a really good but sad movie because it was how the white people treated the black people in the older days in Australia. We have not finished the movie and we are going to watch the rest tonight which is going to be good.

Well that all I have to say about yesterday, I hope the people reading this have a good day.

From Oisin O’Loughlin - Portland SC