
Thinking and Learning Lessons Print

Being at Snowy River Campus is a completely different experience than what I expected. But that is actually a very good thing because since my older brother was here last year at the exact same time that I am here now, I thought that he would have given most of the things away when he was telling us about it, but luckily he didn’t. One of my favourite experiences while being here so far has been Thinking and Learning. During Thinking and Learning, we were able to find out how we and other people learn, if it is by Aural, Reading, Writing, and Kinesthetic. We had to take a test which is called a HBDI test, or otherwise known as the Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument. When we took this test, we had to circle some statements that best represent ourselves. Then once this is finished, we had to determine how we best think. There are four quadrants of the brain. Rational, Safekeeping, Experimental and Feeling. There are also two sides of the brain. Left and Right. If you are a logical and/or organised thinker, you are a left brain thinker. If you like to take risks and/or are emotional, you are a right brain thinker. When I received my results, I was a right brain thinker. I was definitely a Feeling and Experimental thinker. I liked to take risks more than being emotional, but still more than being logical and organised. Once finding out my own feedback, it was really interesting to know what some of the other student’s results were.

Tess - Mt Clear College