
Caving Print

I had caving on Tuesday the 25th. It was amazing! Our group started off by going to the Royal cave.  It was really cool inside and the crystals were really sparkly.  Some parts of the cave reminded me of the gold mines in Sovereign Hill. At lunch all of core 1 played a game of ‘Food and Water.’ It was a lot of fun just to play a game. After that we headed to the Wilsons Wild cave. I was so excited and I could tell I was going to enjoy it! We started going through smaller and smaller gaps in the cave. I wasn’t that nervous which was good I just kept looking ahead. The mail box and the wombat hole were the best! They were literally only big enough for your body and that was it. I did have a sense of completion at the end of it and I was so happy that I did everything that we had the option to do. I would definitely do it again… No questions asked!

Stacey- Portland SC